Unions & Collective Action
Unions & Collective Action Facing an organizing campaign at work (or want to get involved in one)? Already a union member but don’t understand how things work? Fired for organizing or joining a union? This section covers information about your rights to organize and be in a union, and how unions work. Please select one […]
Workplace Injuries/Health & Safety
Workplace Injuries/Health & Safety Is your workplace unsafe? Are you worried about getting hurt at work? Wondering what to do about it? Find the answers here. Workplace Health and Safety ProtectionsWorkplace Health and Safety – State LawsWorkplace ViolenceCOVID-19 ResourcesInfectious Diseases and the WorkplaceWorkers Rights During Public Health EmergenciesSmoking and the WorkplaceState Smoking LawsHeat SafetyPesticidesGeneral Information […]
Privacy & Workplace Surveillance
Privacy & Workplace Surveillance Privacy is a commodity that many Americans hold near and dear to their hearts. However, this treasured right to privacy can at times be unclear, especially in the workplace. Maybe you are wondering if an employer has the right to view your social media accounts? Perhaps you are concerned about your […]
Intern Rights At Work

Intern Rights At Work Together, Workplace Fairness and Pay Our Interns have partnered to create a Know Your Rights resource for government interns & fellows. If you’re hoping to obtain a government internship in the future, or if you’re a current intern struggling to navigate the work field and want to learn more about your […]
Hiring & Classification
Hiring & Classification Looking for a new job? Wondering if the questions you were asked at the interview were legal? This section addresses some of the most common issues you may encounter in the hiring process, and how you are classified as a worker may affect your workplace rights. Your employment classification can determine how […]
Employment Discrimination
Discrimination If you believe that your employer is treating you differently because of your race, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin, you may have a claim for unlawful discrimination. The type of discrimination described above is illegal because the groups listed are considered to be “protected classes” of people under federal law. Get […]
Harassment & Other Workplace Problems
Harassment & Other Workplace Problems Whether you’re being pressured to have sex with your boss, forced to listen to foul language or slurs, or wondering whether the comment you made might get you in trouble, you’ll find this information on harassment and other workplace problems you might encounter to be helpful. Please select one of […]
Whistleblowing & Retaliation
Whistleblowing & Retaliation Fighting back when you see your employer doing something wrong can be scary, and risky. But there are laws that can protect you in a number of situations. Learn more about how you might be protected when you blow the whistle or challenge illegal conduct. Please select one of the following topics: […]
Unpaid Wages/Wage & Hour Problems
Unpaid Wages/Wage & Hour Problems Not getting paid what your employer owes you? Are you forced to work overtime, but not receiving any extra pay? Get the facts on “wage and hour” laws here. Please select one of the following topics for further information: Child Labor LawsComp TimeCommissionsDeductions From PayFinal Paycheck Laws by State – […]
Benefits & Leaves
Benefits & Leaves For most employees, your job isn’t just about the pay, but also what benefits are included. Sick leave, disability leave, family/medical leave–the different kinds of leave you may be allowed to take can be confusing. Get information about health care coverage, pensions, leave eligibility and other benefit-related information here. Please select one […]