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Social Networking & Computer Privacy

Social Networking & Computer Privacy Generally, employers have the right to monitor their employees use of the Internet on computers owned by the employer, during employees’ on-duty hours. This allows employers to monitor your website activity, e-mail account, and instant messages. This right, howbeit, cannot be used as a means of discrimination. Federal laws prohibit […]

Infectious Diseases and the Workplace

Infectious Diseases and the Workplace Getting sick can sometimes cause far more problems with your employer than you might imagine. Can you be fired for getting sick, or be forced to stay home when a family member is sick? What do you do if you contract a serious contagious illness? What can employers do when […]

Medical Privacy

Medical Privacy As an employee, there are just some things that an employer does not need to know. For example, that one time you broke your arm bike riding in college, or that time you had your blood drawn to test for pregnancy. While this information may seem irrelevant and, at times, highly sensitive, your […]

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources Workplace Fairness has compiled resources to keep you informed of your rights, the laws that protect you, and new developments regarding COVID-19. 1. Disabilities and COVID-19 Although many people who acquire COVID-19 recover within weeks, some continue to experience new or recurring symptoms months after being infected. This is known as “long COVID,” […]

Privacy & Workplace Surveillance

Privacy & Workplace Surveillance Privacy is a commodity that many Americans hold near and dear to their hearts. However, this treasured right to privacy can at times be unclear, especially in the workplace. Maybe you are wondering if an employer has the right to view your social media accounts? Perhaps you are concerned about your […]

Environmental Whistleblowers – Occupational Safety and Health Act

Environmental Whistleblowers — Occupational Safety and Health Act There are many federal environmental laws regulating the activity of public and private companies for the protection of the environment. These laws are far more effective when employees report the violations of their employers, so the laws have provisions to protect those employees from retaliation. If you […]

Biometric Data

Biometric Data An increasing number of employers are incorporating biometric data into their workspaces. Companies may collect fingerprints, facial scans, and more to identify and keep tabs on their employees at work. These advancements have some employees worried about their privacy rights.  What are employers doing with this data? Are they allowed to ask for […]

Youth Minimum Wage

Youth Minimum Wage Employees under the age of 20 are not entitled to the same rights as employees over the age of 20. One of the most important differences between them is minimum wage. The DOL issued Fact sheet #32, which explains that youth workers may be paid less than the national minimum wage. Click on […]

Intern Worker Classifications

Intern Worker Classifications As an employee, the rights that you are entitled to depend heavily on what type of employee you are. Different classifications of workers are entitled to different things. It is important to know what type of worker you are so that you can best understand and protect your rights. To figure out […]

Intern Unemployment Eligibility

Intern Unemployment Eligibility For many, an internship may be their first job and a stepping stone into their professional career. While interns gain a lot of valuable experience, often interns are barely, if at all, compensated. Many interns cannot live off of their paychecks and have to seek another job. However, finding another job is […]

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