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All About Unions

All About Unions This page provides answers to the following questions:   1. What is a labor union? A labor union is an organization of workers joined to protect their common interests and improve their working conditions. It serves as an intermediary between the employer and the employees. The main purpose is to give workers […]

Unions & Collective Action

Unions & Collective Action Facing an organizing campaign at work (or want to get involved in one)? Already a union member but don’t understand how things work? Fired for organizing or joining a union? This section covers information about your rights to organize and be in a union, and how unions work. Please select one […]

Wellness Programs in the Workplace

Wellness Programs in the Workplace Most of us would like to be healthier and eat better. Some companies, concerned about rising health care costs and employee productivity, have decided to help the process along by instituting wellness programs that encourage employees to become healthier by supporting weight loss and exercise. Although employers have created wellness […]

Smoking and the Workplace

Smoking and the Workplace Most states have some laws that protect smokers from discrimination. However, due to the health hazards related to smoking, smokers are not completely protected in the same way that non-smokers are. For example, smokers can be required to pay more for their company health insurance and some localities have banned e-cigarettes […]

Drug Testing

Drug Testing Many employers require their employees to submit to drug testing both before and after being hired. Most of the time after being hired an employer requires reasonable suspicion before having an employee take a drug test. Even with the recent legalization of marijuana in some states, employees in those states can still be […]

Ban the Box – State Laws on Criminal Records

Ban the Box – State Laws on Criminal Records Ban the Box is a campaign to remove questions about past criminal convictions from job applications and push background checks to a later point in the hiring process so that employers consider a candidate’s qualifications first without the stigma of a past criminal conviction. The campaign […]

Workers Rights During Public Health Emergencies

Workers Rights During Public Health Emergencies Disasters and emergencies are unpredictable, making it nearly impossible to adequately plan for them. To protect workers, various employment laws apply when a public health emergency arises. Both employers and employees should be aware of how these laws impact them. Read below to learn how labor and employment intersect […]

Right to Work Laws

Right to Work Laws What is a right to work law? Right to Work Laws address situations related to memberships in labor unions; you never need to join a union or pay union dues to be hired or to work for a company. Commonly, these laws involve employers refusing to hire non-union workers or requiring […]

Who is Covered By Workers Compensation

Who is Covered By Workers Compensation Workers’ compensation is available to most employees who are injured at work but depending on your state or occupation; you may not be. To learn more about who is covered by workers’ compensation, read below: 1. Are all employees covered by workers’ compensation? Many, but not all, employees are […]

Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Workers Compensation Benefits If you suffered a work-related injury you will likely be able to receive workers’ compensation. Under the workers’ compensation system, reasonable medical expenses will be paid for, assistance in finding a new job may be provided if injuries prevent you from doing your old job, and untaxed monetary compensation may be paid […]

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