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Background Checks

Background Checks While an employer may have reasons for wanting to do a background check, as a potential employee, you also have rights and an expectation of privacy. For many types of information, an employer needs to get your written permission before they can get information about you. Once an employer has information about you, they must […]

Sex / Gender Discrimination

Sex / Gender Discrimination Sex or gender discrimination in employment involves treating someone unfavorably because of the person’s sex, whether they are applying for a job or are a current employee. This page outlines answers to many of the common questions regarding this issue. 1. What is sex or gender discrimination? Sex or gender discrimination treats […]

Age Discrimination

Age Discrimination Elderly and youthful employees sometimes experience age discrimination in the workplace. Ageism is stereotyping or discriminating against individuals or groups because of their age. Employers are generally not allowed to hire, fire, or promote employees, nor decide an employee’s compensation based on their age. However, it can be difficult to determine whether an […]

Employment Discrimination

Discrimination If you believe that your employer is treating you differently because of your race, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, or national origin, you may have a claim for unlawful discrimination. The type of discrimination described above is illegal because the groups listed are considered to be “protected classes” of people under federal law. Get […]

Pregnancy Discrimination

Pregnancy Discrimination Laws exist to prohibit workplace discrimination against pregnant employees and to require reasonable accommodations for them. Pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions. may be the basis of pregnancy discrimination. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which is enforced by the EEOC, is the main federal law against pregnancy discrimination. Other […]

Corporate Whistleblowers – Sarbanes Oxley

Corporate Whistleblowers — Sarbanes Oxley In recent years financial corruption and crises have led to increased regulation of corporations and the financial industry. Sarbanes-Oxley and Dodd-Frank impose various financial reporting obligations on publicly traded companies. These Acts also protect, and even reward, whistleblowers (employees who report their employers’ violations of the law). Employees often fail […]

Workplace Bullying

Workplace Bullying 1. What is workplace bullying? Workplace bullying typically involves continuous or repeated malicious behavior such as deliberate insults, threats, demeaning comments, constant criticism, overbearing supervision, and profane outburst. It may also include blatant exclusion, being overworked, or simply not communicating with colleagues. More subtle forms of bullying can include withholding or supplying incorrect […]

Racial Harassment

Racial Harassment Under federal law it is illegal to harass a person in any aspect of employment because of that person’s race or color. Harassment can include racial slurs, offensive or derogatory remarks about a person’s race or color, or the display of racially-offensive symbols. Racial harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or […]

Sexual Harassment Application of the Law: Is This Sexual Harassment?

Sexual Harassment Application of the Law: Is This Sexual Harassment? You might be wondering what terms like “hostile environment” or “supervisor” mean under Title IX, the following questions are meant to help give you an idea what types of cases may or may not be successful in a courtroom. 1. What kinds of behavior could […]

State and Local Paid Sick Leave Laws

State and Local Paid Sick Leave Laws This page contains the requirements for state law paid leave. 1. Arizona As of July 1, 2017, Arizona employees gain eligibility or accrue hours for paid sick leave. The Fair Wages and Health Families Act mandates that full-time, part-time, and seasonal employees be granted paid sick leave. Workers […]

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